What does it look like to speak openly about our experiences of race and identity?

Speak Your Truth is a docuseries about race and identity as experienced by BIPOC* and YT* Portlanders. Through personal interviews, Portlanders discuss what race means to them, sharing a part of themselves that is in process. Interviews explore their internal understanding of race, the external cues, messages and conditioning they have picked up throughout life, as well as the dynamics of race and racism as experience in Portland, Oregon.

*BIPOC meaning Black, Indigenous and People of Color | YT meaning White People

The docuseries encourages viewers to be more willing to talk about race by sharing stories and providing models of people in their own process.

Speak Your Truth is for all the BIPOC people living in Portland, as a reminder that you are not alone. Your presence is felt, seen, loved and appreciated. The series also hopes to be a resource for all the YT people living in Portland open to delving deeper into the discomfort and growth of thoughtful conscious allyship.

Speak Your Truth has been in process since July of 2022. It is Nsayi Matingou’s first docuseries.

This series made possible in part by the

Foster Conversation.

Make a Donation.

Make a donation to ensure that the voices and stories of Speak Your Truth and other media like it are shared in community.

Tchiminu Productions LLC, is the founder and funding recipient for this docuseries.